CAO's Speeches


JT Chiloane - CAO/Principal


Welcome Note to 2014


This and other quotes of this legendary stalwart will over the years echo in our minds and hearts about the importance of being educated.

Colleagues not so long ago did we celebrate the new year and yes reality has stepped in. 2014 has already dawned on us, this is another new chapter one that has never been read before nor been told of. No one knows what will transpire along the way. Yes we are in January but that does not mean we have ample time for getting prepared for our work and studies. In fact this is our playground therefore we must also prepare the important players in education which are our students.

We must roll up our sleeves, sharpen our chalks and dusters for the lessons to be taught. Let us go an extra mile in producing the best results and assets that companies can employ in the near future.

To all students, welcome to the Tshwane South College for TVET as your second home. Acclimatise yourselves with the college and its facilities which it has to offer. Make sure you have a date with your books because after all that is one of the reasons why you are here. Learn to be responsible at all times as this is one of the phases where you become independent and stand for your own grounds. Be a role player, make a mark that you were one of those students who made an effort to outshine the others. To those who did not make it be it last term or trimester there is still a second chance which awaits you and it needs your attention.In weeks to come education will again be forming or rather getting the biggest chunk of the funding from government according to the National Development Plan. This is a sign of portraying the importance that the government has in education system. If the government goes this far for our future let us also do our part as role players.

Overall our motto over the years as a college has not changed as compared to our new year’s resolutions which we more often than not fail to adhere to. We still aim on “achieving the future”and that can only be a success. At the end of the day let’s make this college a winning team.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,”
- Nelson Mandela


JT Chiloane - CAO/Principal




We have reached the point of the year where we need to take stock of everything that took place in 2013 and even further back to when our current students registered for their first classes in the study area they have decided to follow. For many this will be the culmination of Three years of studying when thinking of NC (V) L4 students, for others it might be the first attempt at testing their mettle against National examinations, yet others might still be in the process of completing. Taking all these into account, students must always ensure that they now need to put in the last bit of effort when it comes to examinations to ensure that the efforts and labours put in by themselves and their near and dear is not thwarted at the last hurdle.

Those that have not worked hard and feel all is lost must know that FAIL is not the end of life but an acronym for “First Attempt In Learning”. To the hardworking staff whoensured that our International Organisation Standards (ISO) 9001:2008 accreditation was once again upheld, continue to keep up the good work.

It must also be noted that as a college we have not excelled in the academic front, but numerous turnaround strategies are in place to improve both performance of lecturers and students alike. One of these strategies implemented is the new Senior Management Level introduced known as the Heads of School; this has already borne fruit with respect of identifying problem areas where it relates to academic matters. The before mentioned structure is a support structure to the Deputy Principal: Academic to help execute his/her duties.

We can with surety say that our campuses are well managed and we receive the full support from all managers irrespective of their area of operations. It is only possible to achieve our visionto be a world class further education and training college if we all share the same vision and work our fingers to the bone to achieve this. It is imperative that we also keep in mind that all we aim to achieve is only possible if we have the following shared values:

Excellence - in all we do
Fairness - in all our dealings
Respect - towards one another
Trust - in one another
Integrity - in our ethical behaviour

In closing we must not forget that before we cast our thoughts to 2014 we as a collective must first finish 2013 with success and hard work. Best of luck to all during the examinations and all the best for the coming festive season and keep TSC as an institution of first choice.

- Governors must Govern
- Managers must Manage
- Lecturers must Lecture
- Support staff must support and
- Learners must Learn

“Achieve the future”


JT Chiloane - CAO/Principal


Dear colleagues


2012 was a challenging year for the Further Education and Training Sector in its entirety and we managed to keep our heads above water level.

I thank all of you for having contributed in your own little ways for calmness and labour peace at the College.

I hope and trust that you have recharged your batteries. You have gathered enough strength and courage to do what you know best and of course employed to do.

Allow me to once more sing a song of six pence i.e.






Let us once more make Tshwane South College a Second home for all of us.


I wish every one of you a 2013 full of Good Health, Prosperity and Blessings from above.

You came to this college with individual talents and let your talents be geared towards making our College and Institution of choice.


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